• Remember, when discussing all things gun/weapon/NFA related, all associated laws apply! DO NOT ask anyone here to help you do anything that is against the law. Period. Soliciting someone to do something illegal here will get your post removed, and possibly get you banned. Doing something illegal can lead to you being fined and spending quality time with "Bubba", where you will understand the meaning of PMITA Prison. Be smart, we are all hobbyists/collectors here who adhere to the law, and so should you.



New member
Hey everyone,

I'm Tim from the Military Arms Channel and also an owner in Copper Custom Armament, an NFA dealer in NW Indiana. Our website is: http://www.coppercustom.com.

If you aren't familiar with MAC, it's a YouTube channel dedicated to firearms. I'm also part of the Full30.com network where you'll find my content, along with others from YouTube and broadcast television, posting their content.

I wanted to thank NFATalk for hosting this forum and I would be glad to answer any questions or take any comments you may have.


HEY! Laser lips!
Welcome Tim, I'm quite familiar with your channel. You and your crew produce great videos and I enjoy your product reviews. I bought a HTA Kestrel 556 based on your review of the can (though they were the Chameleon then, concept still remains) last year.


Cheeki Breeki Moderator
Staff member
Welcome aboard, guy. I like your channel.

And thanks for turning me on to Wolf Gold, even if it is just part of a Taiwanaspiracy. (I do this since he was accused of shilling for "the jews").


Molested by Nurses
Tim, you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny.

There I said it because someone had to. Now send me the damn AR-180.


Buc around & Find Out!!!!!
Staff member

If it makes you feel any better no homo took place but we did meet up meters cans and taped an episode for YouTube.

It was fun! A lot of work goes in behind the science for his videos !


Black Market Firearms

If it makes you feel any better no homo took place but we did meet up meters cans and taped an episode for YouTube.

It was fun! A lot of work goes in behind the science for his videos !

i cant wait to see the shortpants on youtube.